Happy December y'all! I missed a month's post in November - whoops!? However, so much has gone on, we are definitely due for an update!
October was a very busy month (as you could probably tell from that post), lots of fun and some sad. We lost Nana (Tim's grandmother) on October 18th at the age of 92. Funeral took place in Hondo. We had family come in from up north to say their goodbyes to Nana. She was such a wonderful lady and will be missed! Michele actually made us an ornament with all of Nana's earrings on it :) I'm not one for a colored tree but that ornament will always be up as a token to remember her by! Below is a quick cell phone shot at Nana's viewing.
November was... November. I honestly can't remember very much of it?! Main points are that Strick and I spent Thanksgiving with Michele's side of the family. Tim was working but they did give them dinner, which I know he appreciates.
December is here and half way done just about! We just started our Christmas shopping when Tim was home... and when I say we I mean Tim ;) We will finish up when he returns. We are not celebrating Christmas until January 5th! :) Strick will get a few presents to open on Christmas morning with me, but our main celebration will be when Tim is home and we can celebrate as a family. :)
I managed to get our Christmas cards out last week - whew! I usually like those out by December 1, but we didn't take our pictures until the week after. And a good friend did them for us this year - turned out great!
Going to start some traditions this year with Strick - just not sure what yet?!? I like Amanda's idea of making Jesus a birthday cake - we may do that! It's a fantastic idea! I'm not much of a cookie maker or carol-er, but I can make a cake! Going to start elf on the shelf next year, didn't get one in time this year! :)
Will update more later!
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