Wednesday, May 16, 2012

New Blog Site!

Well kind of a new blog!!! Somehow my Yahoo email address got incorporated into the GMail account I created for our church craft show! Not sure how that happened but I opted to move the blog to the GMail address associated with my phone instead ;) So even though I've had the previous one since 2008 we have started fresh! I'll try to figure out how to bring the  old ones here, but not going to worry about it too much ;) Have them saved to the computer!

New family pictures are here! We met a stay home mom in new Braunfels to give her some business a couple of weeks ago. I am just so used to Donna's style and her attention to the posing to make us look good that some of these pictures are not great to me. HOWEVER, great to get a different photographer perspective, I do like how she captured us interacting naturally. Pros and Cons, I am my biggest critic, but I DEFINITELY need to lose some weight! I'll post about that once I get my "belly bustin" blog up!



  1. Well, I think the pictures are great... And im pretty sure that EVERY woman decides she needs to lose some weight after seeing pictures of herself... lol

  2. Thank you! I think the pics are great as well, as yes, most women do say the "I need to lose weight before pictures" but it is a photographers job to make sure that some of that stress is hidden. Our normal photographer does a fantastic job at that. I am workin' on it, and I think this photographer is too, but just different perspective. I don't ever think anyone should not have pictures taken because of their weight! That is just an excuse to not preserve family memories and to me that is just not cool :)
